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Application range and type selection of strip dryer

Information sources: | Release date: 2016-08-06 | Browse volume:358
Key word:Application range and type selection of strip dryer


The range of use of strip dryers is very wide, and it has already been used in the fields of pharmaceuticals, food, biology, and chemical engineering. However, the criteria for selecting types in each field are not the same, because the requirements and parameters of dry materials in each field are quite different. For example, in the pharmaceutical industry(especially traditional Chinese medicine), leachate generally has a large viscosity, and the drying temperature requirements are stricter, and the melting point control is accurate(especially for polysaccharide materials), The control range of vacuum degree must meet the requirements of different heating temperatures and have the function of online automatic adjustment. In addition, the detection system should be as perfect as possible to meet the GMP standards of pharmaceuticals. For the food industry, the solid content of the material extract is generally relatively large(more than 65 %), and the production requirements and the specific appearance and appearance of the product are the key to the selection standard of the vacuum strip dryer. There are two elements in the selection process of food-grade vacuum strip drying machines that can not be ignored: one is the consumption ratio problem per unit energy consumption, and the other is the supporting equipment such as the front stage transportation of raw materials, the fine crushing of dried products, and packaging. Wait. As for the vacuum strip dryer used in biology and chemicals, due to the different forms of products, the criteria for selection are extremely complex, so extra caution is required.

The first step in selecting a vacuum strip dryer is to have a sample test of the dry material, which is very important. Therefore, for the equipment supplier, whether it has material test equipment and experienced testing personnel is the direct way for customers to measure the manufacturer's true ability. Qualified manufacturers of vacuum driers are generally able to provide customers with a copy of: actual evaporation of materials, dynamic drying vacuum, distribution of drying temperature, amount of feed, actual drying time, and actual products in a very short period of time after material testing. Production capacity, unit energy consumption ratio and other technical parameters to facilitate customers to meet the requirements of the choice of equipment models and specifications.

The second step in selecting a vacuum strip dryer is to comprehensively examine the manufacturer's design level and manufacturing capabilities. The manufacturer will generally provide a first draft of the technical design plan based on the material test report according to the customer's production specifications and working conditions and make a detailed statement of the design reasons in the plan. The technical design scheme is an extremely important part of assessing the manufacturer's manufacturing capability in vacuum strip dryers. In particular, the manufacturer's design description of the key technologies of the equipment is: the design of the vacuum system, the design of the heating system, the design of the correction system, the design of the cleaning system and the design of the feed system, and the design of the discharge system. Another aspect of manufacturing capacity is to examine the actual use of the manufacturer's users. Customers can request site visits based on a list of users provided by the manufacturer. If the manufacturer does have sufficient strength, it will not generally refuse the customer's reasonable request, and some can even provide multiple visit targets for customers to choose from. This is generally difficult for enterprises with limited manufacturing capacity or low technology levels.
The third step of choosing a vacuum strip dryer is to examine the manufacturer's actual processing capacity and production scale. At present, there are no more than three companies with serialized design and production capacity in China. In particular, manufacturers with an annual output of more than 10 vacuum strip dryers(especially large or ultra-large equipment with 6 layer drying beds or more) are estimated to have only 1 to 2. Therefore, it is difficult for most domestic manufacturers to form standardized processing of components of vacuum driers. There are major problems in the maintenance and maintenance of products provided to customers and the exchange of components and accessories, which often directly affect users. The efficiency of production, In addition, due to the lack of practical experience, it is impossible to consider the mechanical structure of the equipment, the rationality of the configuration, the precision requirements of the manufacturing, etc.. Due to the characteristics of large volume, many auxiliary equipment, high configuration requirements, and complicated middle links, it is not easy to maintain the stability of the equipment for a long time. The price of this equipment is also relatively expensive. Users are generally optimistic about its drying ability and technical advantages and use huge sums of money to purchase, so they hope to recover costs and improve the economic benefits of the company as soon as possible. Therefore, when purchasing equipment, it is necessary to select manufacturers with scale, actual design and manufacturing experience, and reliable after-sales service guarantee system to be assured. Of course, the vacuum strip dryer provided by such manufacturers generally has a slightly higher price. However, for users to have a sense of security in use, customers must not be greedy for a moment of low prices and may affect the overall situation.

field of application
For the drying of thin, strip and granular materials with good permeability, it is particularly suitable for materials with high moisture content such as dehydrated vegetables and traditional Chinese medicine tablets, and the material temperature is not allowed to be high; The series drying machine has the advantages of fast drying speed, high evaporation intensity and good product quality. For dehydrated cake paste material, it must be granulated or made into a rod and can also be dried.

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